Watch Intro Video

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12 Min Welcome Video

Pilot Program Registration Closes

20 Men - 4 Facilitators - 10 Weeks

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Emotional Awareness Training Curriculum

A program designed to slow down, notice, observe, connect & experience.

  • 1

    Week 0 - Waiting Room / Before Kick-Off

    • (10 min) Congratulations! Welcome to the program!

    • Schedule & Program Links (Always found here only - Save this)

    • Get Extra Ready - Line of Inquiry - Dig Deeper

  • 2

    Week 1: Kick-Off & Learning To Celebrate

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • Setup Slack, Contact Info & Register for the 5 Day Tiny Habit Program (Before Friday PM)

    • Do the celebration exercise

    • Post 2 Min Check-In Video in Slack Group

    • Pre-Breathwork How To & Tips

    • (Bonus) Looking ahead - Things we may explore

    • (Bonus) Cohort 1 - Office Hours Recording

    • References + Resources + Extras

  • 3

    Week 2: The Breath

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • How to troubleshoot your tiny breath portal habit.

    • What’s really happening here

    • How to do the ROC check-in exercise.

    • (Bonus) Skipping ahead -Beginning to let go Step 1 of 2.

    • References + Resources + Extras

  • 4

    Week 3: Emotions

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • 8 Components of emotional awareness.

    • Add Labeling, connecting & experiencing

    • 2 Min Check-in Video & Tri-Ad Meeting (Weekly)

    • References + Resources + Extras

  • 5

    Week 4: Story

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • How to notice story - "The story in my head is..." or "I feel...Because..."

    • References + Resources

  • 6

    Week 5: Values

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • References + Resources

  • 7

    Week 6: Purpose

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • References + Resources + Extras

  • 8

    Week 7: Integrity

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • References + Resources + Extras

  • 9

    Week 8: Motivation

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

  • 10

    Week 9: Principles

    • 10 Min Lesson & Protocols

    • References + Resources + Extras

Facilitators & Team

Chris Wilson is co-founder of The Unshakable Man, a men's coach and breathwork facilitator.

Connect with Chris on instagram
Mike Sagun is co-founder of The Unshakable Man, a men's coach and EVRYMAN facilitator. 

Connect with Mike on instagram @mike.sagun.
Mikey Brackett is a Therapist, Ennagram Coach & Yoga Instructor.

Connect with Mikey on instagram
Dr. Justin Ternes is a Physical Therapist, Men's Coach & EVRYMAN Facilitator.

Connect with Justin on instagram @trueselfhealth

The Program Learning Process

A self directed learning scaffolding to create opportunities to expand, deepen and connect to your experience of your life & relationships.

1.5 Hours Per Week & Designed to be flexible:

The program materials and lessons where designed to be fully implemented with 1.5 hours per week of energy & awareness. 

Program lessons and protocols are released on Tuesdays. Then a man may pick them up at his own pace and choose his own mix of weekly reflection activities in the men's group, office hours, facebook group and weekend breathwork sessions. 

  • Lessons & Protocols Released on Tuesdays
  • Men's Group & Office Hours on Thursdays
  • Breathwork Sessions on Sundays